Monday, October 1, 2007

I did it!

Yippee! I did it! I created a blog. Now, as the children say, "What to do?" My day was uneventful, normal. I've learned not to complain about normal. Normal is good. You only get to know how good it is when your life is interrupted and things are no longer normal. My life was interrupted two years ago when my husband had a massive heart attack. He coded and they worked on him for 45 minutes and finally got a pulse. As a result of the time lapse, he has an anoxic brain injury. We spent 40 days at NMMC in Tupelo, and I believe he's a miracle just to be alive...but God is restoring him more and more each day. He's working. He's hunting. He's making messes. My normal is coming back slowly but surely. It has been life changing and the hardest thing I've ever done. I didn't know what to say on my blog. This came out - not anything about the Read/Write Web or education which is probably what I should write about. Maybe tomorrow...


Shelly said...

The best part of the blogs we each have set up is that there is no one telling us what we have to say! We don't have to say anything, nor do we have to keep it to a certain number of words, topic, pace (as in light and happy or just venting). We have the flexibility to do what we need to and say what "feels" right or what just pops in our head that day. You're doing great. And may God continue to bless you as you continue relearning life as it is now as opposed to what it was. You've got a great attitude of looking forward instead of looking back. Reminds me of Mater's (from Disney/Pixar Cars) philosophy of going in reverse: "Awe shucks, there's nothin' to it. You just have to know where you've been." You already know where you've been and have been able to leave it and move forward with your husbands relearning to do most everything (I'd imagine). Keep up the good work!

Jewels said...

We all take our days for granted and you have been given a gift (although I know more time than not it doesn't feel like a gift). You are an inspiration to all of us and your husband serves as a reminder to live life while we have matter what life hands us.